Sock Drive! 
(December 2021)
Thank you to all who contributed out our sock drive! What a wonderful joint project the The Home Church. Over 700 pairs of socks were collected and distributed to Bay Area Turning Point and the Lee College Student Resource and Advocacy Center.
Spiritual Principles and Practice Class
(July 2021)

Our first official Center for Spiritual Living Houston class was a great success! Thank you Yvonne Cones, RScP for your spiritual leadership. Congratulations to our completers: Rosita Hogan, Dianne Menard, Brian Orr, and Mary Scheible. And thanks to Douglas Hord, RScP, for helping make the virtual event a great success. Way to go!!
Happy New Year! CSL Houston Survives and Prospers Remotely!
(January 3, 2021)
Journey Into Happiness – Julia Hanson (Facilitator)
(October 13, 2019)
With Julia as our amazing facilitator, CSL Houston was proud to host our first Journey Into Happiness training.
In these times of accelerating change, both individually and collectively, it is important we discover the stillness within that can anchor us while the storm outside rages.
The Journey Into Happiness takes you on a journey to access that deep stillness within. This journey leads to profound shifts and transformation.
Congratulations to Douglas Hord, RScP!
(August 18, 2019)
For the past year, Douglas has been instrumental at our Center as a member of our Board, a regular speaker, and countless other acts of support. About a year ago and with encouragement from many, he decided to renew his practitioner’s license. After lots of prayer, support from Rev. Patty, and a good score on the exam, it’s now official! We welcome Practitioner Douglas Hord to our Center! CSL Houston is blessed to have Douglas as a member and now as one of our contributing practitioners. Congratulations, Douglas!
Happiness Meditation with Rev. Patty Rumpza
(April 28, 2019)
What a wonderful meditation! Rev. Patty led us through a Happiness Mediation based on the teachings of Sri Amma Bhagavan. known for creating a space for greater peace, happiness, and the healing of hurts in family relationships. Rev. Patty is the Spiritual Director for CSL Grand Junction in Colorado and a very good friend of CSL Houston as our sponsoring minister. She never disappoints–bringing a lesson filled with her unique passion and Love!
Our Beautiful Glass Emblem
(January 2019)
Thank you to Deborah Bradford for the donation of this beautiful glass Science of Mind emblem–a treasure that originally was displayed at the First Church of Religious Science Church in Houston which closed over a decade ago. After being in storage for years, we finally found the perfect spot in our Center. Thank you Rosita Hogan for having the foresight to include a space in the transition to our new location and to Douglas Hord for finding the right people to install!
A Gift of Music
(October 2018)
CSL Houston now has this beautiful piano! Thank you to Ike and Rosemary Coffman for the donation which is a perfect fit for our Center.
Art Donations to the Center
(June 2018)
CSL Houston is honored to accept this beautiful artwork from Yvonne Cones, RScP. These are pieces from her late husband Temperley Newton who passed in 2004. The paintings are part of a series of meditative works that he did when he became interested in Science of Mind teachings.
Temperley had a great reputation, working in England as a decorative artist in Princess Diana’s country home, Althorp. He did specialized finishes, creating pieces resembling different kinds of marble or wood, and often used gold and silver or platinum leaf. He was also an artist, working in oils on many kinds of paintings. One of his meditative works was donated to CSL San Antonio with many other paintings hanging in homes around the world.
Our gratitude to Yvonne.
Summer Osbourne
(May 2018)
Imagine if Adele, Carole King, and Joss Stone had a love child… it would be Summer Osborne. Music is often described by genre, but Summer cannot be put into a category. She is a symphonic smorgasbord. Her music can loosely be described as folk soul, acoustic rock, and piano R&B… but you will hear glimpses of jazz, blues, and comedy. She writes and sings real music about real life, and every show is an emotional experience. It is the evolution of the soul – one song at a time.
CSL Houston is privileged to have Summer as our guest speaker and performer. We look forward to her next visit.