Below is a message from our Spiritual Director and Practitioner, Yvonne Cones, RScP.
I have been a Practitioner since 2005. I was President of the Science of Mind (SOM) Core Council in San Antonio when I decided to work towards becoming a Practitioner and after completing my Practitioner requirements, I taught SOM classes, as well as Dream Interpretation classes. I was twice co-chair of the management team that organized a large Rummage Sale fund raiser for Creative Life Spiritual Center. I have participated in Youth Programs by reading stories to children, been the Queen in a ‘Tea with The Queen’, presentation for the Youth, given a special Wednesday night talk, and sang with a Practitioner singing group called the The Practettes who performed popular spiritual music.
I have also been a frequent speaker in several other Spiritual Centers in Houston and surrounding areas. I became a Practitioner because I felt the need to expand my knowledge and to delve deeply into spiritual connection. For some years I have been the Spiritual Leader at CSL Houston. This is both a privilege and a blessing. I get so much from this group of people, they are a loving, generous and positive congregation! We moved into a much better space recently and this has made a big difference to our center. We were able to help Harvey victims along with Unity of Houston, Rev. Michael Gott’s church. We help several worthwhile charities too and are in return blessed by donations from other groups.
In my free time I serve as President of Shepherd Chamber of Commerce; President of the Friends of Shepherd Library; Secretary to Coldspring Chamber of Commerce and I am serving for a third term on Shepherd City Council. I am also a board member on the San Jacinto County Historical Commission and am publicity liaison for both our county’s Women’s League and Garden Club.
I write a weekly piece for the local Community News and the San Jacinto News Times. I found getting involved in volunteering was the best way to meet people and find my way around, once I moved to this small town on the edge of the National Forest. I like to garden, read and travel when I have time!